This term we have some significant events happening.
Firstly we have in Week Three of this term the School Musical! We haven't had a production for the last few years but in week three we will have our production of "The Quest". This has a number of students who will be very busy as we head towards production night.
Week Four see's the School's Y8 students depart on Camp to Camp Bentzon at Kawau Island. Most of the Y8 students will be involved in this the school hasn't set a final figure just yet for a five day four night camp but it will be something in the region of $100 per student. We've been doing a lot of fund-raising to help pay with costs, as those of you who view this site regularly will know. The students depart Monday morning and will be returning Friday. Once they're back we'll have footage aplenty to post online.
Week Six has those students who are part of the Cook Island trip are departing! Last year we were lucky enough to have School trips to both Samoa and Tonga for select number of students and this year Tamaki Intermediate is doing so again this year this time to the Cook Islands. We'll have footage and material filmed and posted once the tour returns.
Week Eight AIMS Basketball Tournament, finally after a year of preparation the Tamaki Intermediate Girls team travels to the National Finals in Tauranga for a week. We'll be posting online from the event and posting material when we return.
Sport wise we've got the Eastern Zone Netball Finals in Week One, the Auckland Girls Rugby Finals in Week Two, the Eastern Zone Basketball Finals in Week Five, Eastern Zone Cross Country, Eastern Zone Volleyball, Interzone Rugby League and Eastern Zone Rugby League!
Finally we have four teams in the 12 a side Barbarians Knock Out Competition which culminates in the finals at Eden Park! At all these events we'll have tamakitoday teams and be putting together footage of these events!
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