We've posted the material here and on teachertube for those of you unable to view movies on blogger. There are details also on slideshare as well as written in text form here on the blog. The Sasa that we'd like you to attempt is the one labelled International Sasa 2 that was posted here on October 29th.
We had a couple if inquiries about the drum beat and an example of that so we also filmed an example of that from October 30th. Our students have mentioned traditional Samoan clothes or drums but of course for this example thats not necessary! Also feel more than free to adapt change, edit, and develop the Sasa to your own needs!
As is mentioned by Moli in the video we'd like you to incorperate a local flavour in the animals section by having an animal of local importance replace the animals that the students used for examples (and again there's no Tigers in Samoa for those of you who might be concerned about visiting!). Those of you who havent already left a brief comment with a contact email address please do so and we'll contact you about where to upload the file too.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this point, its meant so much to the students.
Mr Webb and the students of Room Six
Tamaki Intermediate School
Auckland, New Zealand.