Those of you who have been regularly following this blog will know that we're part of a group of schools that is part of the the Manaiakalani Cluster. We are incredibly fortunate to have as part of the Group Mrs Burt from Point England School steering the ship at the helm. Point England School have being doing some amazing podcast work as part of their KPE series. Mrs Burt has recently spent some time in USA as part of her professional work. This week Zecillia who also presents our Samoan videos was able to interview Mrs Burt about her trip and ask her some questions. Filmed at School by Mereana on Monday 4th August. Produced and directed by Zecillia.
Hi Zecillia and Mereana
You have made me famous putting me on your blog! I got a real surprise when I went there this morning and saw that you had posted the interview already. I must say that I much prefer to help people MAKE movies/television than to be in front of the camera myself. It made me realise again what a great job you kids do when you present on TV and on clips on the blog - you make it look much easier than it is.
Keep up the good work.
Mrs Burt
Hi You Guys
What a surprise I got to see Mrs Burt up on your Blog. I thought our trip to America was cool too and I learned HEAPS! I think you guys are doing an awesome job and lots of people around the world are looking at your excellent work .....so WELL DONE! & keep up the good work.
Mr Burt
Kia Ora Mr and Mrs Burt this is Zecillia and Moli. Thank you for the comments you made on our page. I am happy that you told me to talk in front of the students because that made me confident. Thank you Mr Burt for leaving a comment on our page I hope I hear from you again
From Zecillia and Moli room06
Tamaki Intermediate school.
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