Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tamak Int - Tamaki Idol Highlights 2008

This is the final set of highlights from our end of year talent quest called "Tamaki Idol" that was held on the last day of school for 2008. This is footage of three students singing the song "Stronger". The featured students are Jasmiine from Room Six, Rochelle from Room Sixteen and Mikeala from Room Six. This is the final video highlight for 2008 as this site is technically inactive. All the students are from 2009 onwards scheduled to be students at Tamaki College a These singing highlights were filmed by Mereana on December 20th at Tamaki Intermeidate School Hall.


Unknown said...

Mr Webb and Room 6 have been wonderful eLearning role models. I am looking forward to school starting in a couple of weeks and catching up with these talented students at Tamaki College. And also looking forward to seeing Mr Webb's new, and no doubt improved, blog!
Mrs Burt

M Webb said...

Thank you for your wonderful comments Mrs Burt. The involvement as part of a cluster last year was a wonderful experience and I can't say enough positive comments about the process. I wish everyone at your school all the best and look forward to the 2009 film festival!